Across Generations at Eye Level: Ways to Integrate Seniors by Education
Generationsübergreifend auf Augenhöhe: Wege zur Integration von SeniorInnen durch Bildung
Attraverso le Generazioni: Metodi per integrare le Persone della Terza Età con la Formazione
Pomiędzy Pokoleniami Twarzą W Twarz: Integracja Seniorów Przez Edukację
Entre Gerações: Formas de Integrar os Seniores através da Educação
WELCOME to the project website of the Erasmus+ Project "AGE:WISE
“Learning with, from and about each other – and filling the ever-growing gap between Generation Z and seniors with the means of intergenerational learning (IGL)” is the major vision of the project AGE:WISE.
Through intergenerational learning settings, the scope of action for all members of society can be increased and greater social integration, respect and encounters at eye level can be achieved. But more than just promoting IGL, we want to motivate the elderly to take on the role of teachers and provide them with the needed self-reflection skills and trainer tools to meet this goal.
We thus strive to counteract the widespread deficit perspective of the generation of seniors and replace it with the image of a generation rich in valuable professional and social skills from which the young can greatly benefit. The open source access to all project outputs will be guaranteed for at least 5 years after project end.
Our aim is to enable as many senior citizens as possible to use their valuable skills outside work life and to contribute to the gap-closing between young and old through IGL processes, which ultimately benefits society as a whole.

1. Supporting seniors to recognise their personal, valuable competencies and knowledge and thus restore their self-confidence outside of professional life
2. Enabling seniors to pass on their valuable knowledge to young people
3. Offering implementation tips for Inter Generational Learning settings that can contribute to a higher popularity of these non-conventional learning settings