Following four main results are going to be achieved in course of the AGE:WISE project that builds on each other:
RESEARCH REPORT & MARKETING GUIDELINE for adult education institutes

A RESEARCH REPORT is established, gathering best-practice examples from IGL activities in each country and on that basis introducing potential new settings and topics to which this approach could be extended. Furthermore, the specific learning needs of seniors are assessed through expert interviews with adult trainers. This research creates the basic pillar for our TRAINER PACKAGE and LEARNING PACKAGE.

A digital, web-based SELF-REFLECTION TOOL is created, which helps seniors to raise awareness about their rich pool of competencies which can be valuable for the younger generation.
At the same time, motivation is initiated for taking over the teacher role by showing them SUCCESS STORY VIDEOS receiving valuable tips and inspiration on how Intergenerational Learning is practiced.

A TRAINER PACKAGE incl. a CURRICULUM for the “training-skills-course” for seniors with an adapted version for a blended-learning setting (guided by an adult trainer), as well as GUIDELINES for adult education institutes on how to practically implement IGL settings are created.

LEARNING PACKAGE for a “training skills-course” for seniors and PILOT TRAINING
A LEARNING PACKAGE for the training-skills-course is developed, including 5 modules around the topic of “how to teach” that are available with unlimited access online. After completion, a test-run for the “training-skills-course” with seniors will be organised. The goal is to make them peers and multipliers for the course and at the same time receive feedback for the materials.
The learning material is also available on the online learning platform MILES: